
My FAVORITE app. Well, it recently got some stiff competition from the Figure 1 app, but I think it’s still slightly in the lead. I almost never ever go on the website however, until recently.

Tonight I am looking through all 349 of my instagram posts and just loving them. That’s the great thing about instagram: you save awesome memories in tiny artistic shots. It makes us all into incredible photographers 😉

I have been recently thinking about taking some of my favorite #instashots and portraying them in my life outside of my phone. Some ideas I’ve come up with include small square shaped magnets, a desktop calendar, and collage prints for the wall. Of course, others seem to have the same ideas cause lots of these options can be found with a simple google search. I searched for #instaprints and immediately a ton of choices came up. I browsed a few options and have decided on Print Studio formerly known as Printstagram. In particular I liked their deal on the mini square magnets found here.

Here are a few of my captured memories that I plan on magnetizing 🙂 Enjoy!


druid hill1 easley parkimage1ladybug lapki1 purple flower seattle forest starfish tobi1